we're home!


this is coming a few days late, but we just wanted to update everyone: we’re home!

after we were discharged, we moved back into the ronald mcdonald house and got to spend the weekend in santa cruz, which was a lot of fun. our post-op on Tuesday went well and cleared us to come home, so we flew back on wednesday and finally got to sleep in our own bed again that night. it was glorious!

we’ve spent the last few days settling back in at home and trying to sit in the good news and just celebrate everything that happened over the past two weeks. we’re definitely still processing everything — sometimes it just feels too good to be true! but we’re mostly just so glad to be home. lewis more than any of us!

he’s definitely still adjusting, and certain elements like sleep have been harder to get back on schedule. but we’ve been figuring out his diabetes insipidus, and overall, he’s doing amazingly well. we feel like every day he gets closer to to being right where he was when we left!

so thank you for everything. we felt so covered in prayer and protection while we were there. there’s the big miracle with getting the whole tumor out, of course, but also a million other answered prayers and reminders of God’s presence with us. it was real, you guys, it really was.

so thank you for coming around us and surrounding us in love and support, and for all the meals and blessings and texts and emails!

and thank you for continuing to pray for lewis. please pray that he would continue to recover well, hit new strides physically, and regains all of his vision that was lost. and hey, while we’re being bold, why not pray for his panhypopituitarism to be wiped away too? nothing is too big for God. and thank you for those of you who have had faith from the beginning that God was going to heal lewis. we’ve been leaning on all of you all these months!

we have a number of appointments over the next couple weeks, but we won’t have another MRI for a couple of months. we’re praying the MRI is just more confirmation that lewis’ tumor has been removed and is never coming back (and we’ll have met lewis’ baby brother by then!).

we’ll make sure to post an update before then so we can all pray together, but for now, we just want to celebrate with you all on the good news and give thanks to God! he’s been so good to us!