smooth sailing

just a quick update to say that everything today went really smooth. the port is officially out! even though there will always be more, this does really feel like the end of this part of lewis’ healing journey. we were at the hospital at 6AM this morning, and after talking everything through with the team, had a smooth and complication-free removal of his port. he was so brave and did so well!

even though this was a fairly common and simple operation, any surgery always feels scary to a certain degree. as most people with rare diseases and cancers will tell you, assurances that certain risks or symptoms are “very rare” just aren’t as encouraging as they used to be.

but really — we are so thankful to God that everything went well, so thank you all so much for keeping us in your prayers today. lewis woke up from the anesthesia better than ever, and having been up early and skipped breakfast, was almost immediately excited for hospital graham crackers, banana bread from starbucks, and dinner at the hotcake house (in that order). we drive past the hotcake house every day and it’s become his favorite restaurant, so he enjoyed a giant plate of hotcakes, bacon, and eggs. well deserved for this brave little guy!